I want you to find a brand new journal this morning because I am not out to excite you; I am simply out to make you much more effective than you can ever be. In 18years of working with the most difficult couples and parents and helping them scramble their pains with amazing results, I can tell...
I stood up to speak to a hall full of top business executives who all do 1million dollars and above and successful in their own rights and for the first time I was a bit confused if I was the right person to be addressing this audience.
I knew I needed a serious ice breaker that would...
America is a leveler
If you have been following my story you’d recall I talked about my final research on the parenting systems across different cultures and how I found the critical gaps in the African style and why our people struggle to collaborate outside Africa.
I threw...
‘Osuofia done enter Jandon’(Coming to America)
They had been my support systems all through the lock down and it was like leaving a family but I knew I also had to go for them to grow. I was not the leader that played around with office money because from day 1 I separated my...
The 01 Visa
Intellectual property is a big issue for those who play in that space in Africa where prayer meetings are superior to thinking meetings but we were able to do the impossible with the available because for the first time we set up the Family Life Sector and started to organize it with...
Testing my innovation abroad
After creating the Out of the Box Parenting model for parents I spotted in my entire interaction with parents that marriage was a big problem and saw first-hand how culture and religion can sabotage two love birds and create a barrier.
I wanted to build a model...
My journey into Innovation
If you read the first part of my journey you would have noticed my first innovation post University was ‘toasting commercial sex workers’ out of prostitution and taking them back home to their parents. As a matter of fact that experience showed...
In the beginning
If you are from Nigeria, you should by now you should be familiar with the word #JAPA right? If you are not from Nigeria or from Africa #JAPA is the slang for those who are running away from one country to another due to the unpleasant circumstances in their home country.
...How often do you see us celebrate wining marriages on the pages of our magazines? We talk more about the marriages heading for divorce and create so much fear in the minds of the younger generation as if it is almost impossible to get it right in this generation.
Before I got married, I...
I am amazed at the quest of many couples to copy and outdo Hollywood when it comes to the red carpet lifestyle as well as marriage. We copy both the good, the bad and the ugly such that we live in deception, thinking marital break-up is also one of the ways to cement our status as a celebrity.
Her father was a senator while his father was a minister and they have been business associates for two decades. Bob and Risky are two silver spoons who had their education outside the country. Their parents felt they should take their relationship further by arranging for their children to be...
Someone once asked me: "Praise how can God speak to you about your choice of spouse and you still go through a troubled marriage?" I smiled and responded: "Have you not read that you have to work out your salvation with fear and trembling?" But someone is wondering why people play the religious...